Willamette valley facts & figures

Location matters

WVWA is proud to be a member of the Declaration to Protect Wine Place & Origin.

Total Geographic Area

Between Oregon’s Cascade Mountains and the Coast Range, more than 100 miles long and spanning 60 miles at its widest point. 3,438,000 acres.

Major cities & populations

Portland: 639,863
Salem: 161,637
Eugene: 160,561
Corvallis: 54,953
McMinnville: 33,393
Newberg: 22,692

Distance to the Pacific Ocean

50 miles (McMinnville to Lincoln City)

Total number of:

Vineyard acres planted: 25,452
Vineyards: 877
Wineries: 676

First Pinot noir planting

David Lett, 1965

Major soils

Marine Sedimentary: Willakenzie
Volcanic (Basalt): Jory, Nekia
Windblown Loess (Silts): Laurelwood

Willamette Valley % of Oregon production

68% of planted vineyard acreage
70% of wine production
83% of Pinot noir production

REGION 1 cool climate

Typical Summer/Winter Temperature
June-August high/low: 78.3/52.2ºF
December-February high/low: 47.6/35.1ºF

Typical Monthly Rainfall
June-August rainfall: 1.02″
December-February rainfall: 6.4″

Typical Annual Rainfall
Portland: 39 inches
McMinnville (wine country): 29 inches

Typical Rainfall
June-September total: 3.27″ (0.8″ per month)

Typical Growing Season Weather (McMinnville)
Typical Temperature
June-September high/low: 79/50ºF
June-September days > 80ºF: 60
June-September days > 90ºF: 18

Typical Heat Accumulation
April-October: 2,285 degree-days

Data from the 2019 Oregon Vineyard & Winery Census Report, University of Oregon

farming for quality

vine density low medium high
vine spacing 6′ x 12′ 5′ x 7′ 3′ x 6′
vines per acre 605 1,245 2,420
row-feet per acre 3,630 6,223 7,260
tons per acre 2.0 2.5 2.8
gallons per ton 150 150 150
gallons per barrel 60 60 60
barrels per ton 2.5 2.5 2.5
gallons per case 2.38 2.38 2.38
cases per barrel 25 25 25
cases per ton 63 63 63
cases per acre 126 158 176
bottles per acre 1,513 1,891 2,118
bottles per barrel 300 300 300
bottles per vine 2.5 1.5 .9
pounds per vine 6.6 4.0 2.3
pounds per cluster .2 .2 .2
clusters per vine 33 20 12
clusters per bottle 13 13 13